Staying Busy

I can’t believe there is only one more regular outdoor Farmers’ Market session next weekend.  (There will be one last outdoor session on Saturday, November 23rd to help us prep for Thanksgiving).

It occurred to me recently that I could prep and freeze raviolis prior to Christmas, which would make Christmas Day that much easier.  Plus we could enjoy a wider variety of fillings.  This video remains my go-to pasta recipe.  It’s had fresh sage and butternut squash from Birds Haven Farms, so I made this recipe last night.  It was great.  It took me about four hours to make about four dozen ravioli.  Four hours in the kitchen, music playing, cooking away…not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.  In just a few afternoons between now and Christmas I should be able to stockpile a nice assortment.  “Strategic Ravioli Reserve,” I like the sound of that.

Fall colors are popping, and the leaves are dropping.  It’s much harder to find one’s golf ball on the course these days - even balls that find the fairway.  The tug-of-war between sneaking in one last round of golf and getting the leaves collected is here.

My desk is a mess.  I intend to reclaim it from entropy today.  Laundry, a run to Costco, meal prep for the week ahead.  Going to Dawes Arboretum, for a walk-and-talk with our youngest offspring (home from school for Fall Break).  Indian takeout from Shan E Punjab Dhaba.

Making sure that all of my friends who are curious about EOS attend this upcoming event if they can.  Drafting a spreadsheet containing Lori’s and my “wish list” of things to accomplish with a future home renovation.  (It’s just a twinkle in our eye right now, but a fun thought exercise.)

Cleaning out and reorganizing the garden shed.  The same for my closet and dresser drawers.  Prepping for upcoming coaching sessions.  Mowing the grass.  Fixing the drywall in the bathroom (a year-old remnant of a plumbing repair…I can’t have the boys return home for the holidays and still have this issue.)

I think this about covers it - my list of productive ways to avoid thinking about the upcoming election.  I voted this past Wednesday.  My contribution to the process is now over.  I suppose I could do some sort of campaign work, but I’m not sure that there are any “undecided” voters left to influence.  Early voting was very convenient, but I understand that some people prefer to cast their vote on Election Day.  However you do it, I hope that you get it done.

I’m choosing to listen to more music these next two weeks.  More book reading.  Less television and social media.  Nova and I will probably walk a bit more often, and a little further than normal.  Enjoy this beautiful Fall weather while it lasts.

Sunday Supper
Since our youngest is a vegetarian and home for a couple more days, my meal prep work this Sunday will be focused on vegetarian fare (I’ll also grill some chicken and steak to supplement these dishes for the meat eaters in the house.).  This Lentil Soup looks nice.  So does this Mac & Cheese.  So does this Fennel-Apple Salad w/ Walnuts.

Sunday Music
This hour-long performance by Derek Gripper and Ballaké Sissoko in Gümüşlük, Turkey from last year is a wonderful listen on this beautiful day.  Enjoy!

If you know anyone who might like this essay, please share it with them. 

Have a great week ahead!  Offer support to others.  Make good use of this day.  And let me know how I can help.

Peace & Love,


A Few Words


Hard Fall