Despite the recent smattering of rain, the dryness of the past month+ has spurred the trees to start dropping their leaves earlier and more aggressively than in a typical year. Leaf collection, plus cooler air temps this weekend have certainly created a Fall-like feeling. I must confess I’m not quite ready for sweaters and soups, but they are not too far away.
Since starting my journey as an EOS Implementer this past March, the similarities between fitness coaching and entrepreneurial coaching have been really striking to me. To be fair, I’ve never been a fitness coach - but I have been a regular gym rat since about 2008, when Lori bought me a gift certificate to Granville Fitness for Christmas. So, I have received plenty of coaching in the gym, and am delivering it now in conference rooms around the city and beyond.
This video on Instagram really resonated with me. In it, CrossFit founder Greg Glassman speaks a few year ago about the astounding growth of CrossFit, and the health benefits its participants had been experiencing. Part of what he says is this: "If I gave you the list of things I know is going to happen, you wouldn't believe it. And so I don't. I wait for you to come and tell me, and then I act like I'm surprised."
I feel the exact same way about EOS and what it is doing for entrepreneurial companies all over the world. The causes of these positive outcomes are just as similar as the benefits: To be physically or organizationally fit, it comes down to one’s willingness to commit to a relatively few simple, basic activities repeatedly over time.
Glassman wrote Fitness In 100 Words many years ago now:
“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, Clean, Squat, Presses, C&J, and Snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: Pull-ups, Dips, Rope Climb, Push-ups, Sit-ups, Presses to handstand, Pirouettes, Flips, Splits and Holds. Bike, Row, Run, Swim, etc., Hard & Fast. Five or Six Days Per Week. Mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports.”
I took a stab at summarizing it’s organizational equivalent:
“Five days each year the leadership team works on the business, not in it. Be clear on your Core Values, Core Focus, and Core Customer. Know what must be true 10 years from now due to your efforts, translating it into 3-year, 1-year and one quarter measurable outcomes. Make sure that everyone shares your core values and that they get, want and can do the roles assigned to them. Review a Scorecard of the 5 to 15 most important measurables each week. Welcome all issues, and address them with rigor. Document your key processes so that everyone does them identically.”
In both realms, there is nothing complex or fancy about the path to fitness. I think that many people can’t bring themselves to believe that it is as simple as it really is. Or maybe they believe it really is simple - but they just can’t bring themselves to be “on the hook” for pursuing fitness (in either context). But just because something is simple doesn't make it easy. We humans are pretty good at getting in our own way.
Pick a goal that means something to you. Make the stakes exciting and energizing. This will make it easier to commit to the process achieving it.
It may not be easy, but it’s probably not as hard as you think.
Sunday Supper
Did I say I wasn’t ready for soup yet? Disregard that. This Ham & Bean soup is speaking to me. This Turkey & Apple Arugula Salad would make a sturdy accompaniment and perhaps help you load the fridge with good fuel to start your week.
Sunday Music
This Sunday I share with you this performance by Lawrence, a brother-sister team surrounded by additional great players. Enjoy!
If you know anyone who might like this essay, please share it with them.
Have a great week ahead! Offer support to others. Make good use of this day. And let me know how I can help.
Peace & Love,